Monday, January 5, 2015

Current event

The shooting of Mike Brown has taken the country by storm. The shooting not only sparked debate, but also caused riot in Ferguson MO. The question is was Mike Brown charging the officer or was he surrendering to him. Eye witnesses say they saw Brown step toward the officer. The officer then testified that he felt threatened so he fired. Although the placement of his shot could have been different the feeling of being threatened would cause anyone to do the same thing. The officer then testified that Browns fist caused him to shoot. His left was tightened as a fist, and his right reached under his shirt to grab as the officer thought was a weapon. I believe the officer could have shot Brown where he wouldn't have died, but enough for Brown to surrender. I believe this story received to much publicity. Due to the fact Brown was a young African American and the officer was white the story sparked a debate of racism. The media depict Brown as a scholar only showing him with a cap and gown on, but what they refuse to show is the life Brown really lived many pictures on the internet contain Brown with loads of money in his hands with weapons, and drugs and alcohol. I agree with the grand jury's decision with freeing officer Darren Wilson. I feel like what he did could be considered self defense because the officer felt threatened.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about this whole event! I think that he was defending himself and that just because the kid was African American a lot of people see this as a racist thing.
