Monday, March 16, 2015

The Underground Economy

"The underground economy is when people The shadow economy is a system composed of those who can't find a full-time or regular job. Workers turn to anything that pays them under the table, with no income reported and no taxes paid" (Koba 1). The underground economy is mostly people who have recently lost a job, or struggle to find a job, and take a job that pays in cash. For example someone could work with a friend who's job requires manual labor such as landscaping, or plowing. The underground economy could be beneficial because it would give people who just lost their job a source of income. It would also be beneficial because it gives blue collar workers money to put back into the economy. The underground economy could be detrimental because it causes the government to tax its citizens more to make up for the lost taxes the government didn't get paid. The underground economy also includes illegal ways of getting money such as, selling drugs, weapons, or becoming a hitman.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Spoil vs Merit System

Government officials typically use the spoil system to give friends, families, and sponsors jobs in a government position they might not be qualified for. Before 1881 it was common for presidents who just got elected to office to pick friends, family members, and sponsors or people who gave them financial help to win the election. During President Washington's campaign he elected all federalist to his cabinet positions. In 1881 James A Garfield started the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act which basically removed the spoils system, and brought in a new system the Merit System which made it harder for Presidents to elect people who didn't deserve the job into his cabinet. The Merit System gives people with proper qualifications to the cabinet positions.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Net neutrality

Net Neutrality is the "principle that internet service providers (ISP's) should give consumers access to all legal content and applications on an equal basis, without favoriting some sources or blocking others."(1). It's important consumers have net neutrality because it gives them easy access to the internet. It also gives people a right to post any idea they may have on websites. It's good for corporations like Verizon who would benefit the most because companies would pay them to have a faster connection. Businesses that are just starting off would not like this idea because they do not have the money the big companies have so their connection would not be as fast as the big companies. The FCC controls net neutrality due to the fact they control all of communications in the U.S that includes internet, and radio.