Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Electoral college

The electoral college was created to create a buffer between population and the selection of the president. Another reason it was created is because it was apart of the government that gave power to the small states in deciding who was going to be president. I think the electoral college is unfair because the votes are based on the population of the state. I think the candidate should win based on how many people in the country like him rather then have more electoral votes. In the 2000 election despite Al Gore winning a large percent of the popular vote he still lost to President Bush. I believe the electoral college is a bad idea because the President should win the election by how much people in the country like him rather then winning by getting 270 electoral votes.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Head of state

Some ways Head of State makes fun of what politicians do is when Chris Rock becomes the DJ at the party. Usually the parties that have to do with politics are formal and serious, but he wanted to have a real party with loud music and dancing. Normally politicians present themselves in a formal matter wearing suits, and acting a certain way. Gilliam however wears these hip hop sweatsuits with shades, and a hat and acts as if he was not running for president. Even the little old ladies in the movie who are suppose to be very formal and proper are using slang words like "foshizzle". In the final scene at the debate mays gets into a I know what you are but what am I fights with his opponent. Mays transforms throughout the movie he goes from a small town politician who doesn't really know how to do anything in his campaign he just listens to what his committee is telling him, but at the end he is  in charge of his own campaign and is fully focused on winning the election been though the odds were against him. In one scene mays election committee has a speech written for him, but instead of reading what they say and being their puppet mays turns off the speech prompter and gives his famous "that ain't right" speech.