Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Electoral college

The electoral college was created to create a buffer between population and the selection of the president. Another reason it was created is because it was apart of the government that gave power to the small states in deciding who was going to be president. I think the electoral college is unfair because the votes are based on the population of the state. I think the candidate should win based on how many people in the country like him rather then have more electoral votes. In the 2000 election despite Al Gore winning a large percent of the popular vote he still lost to President Bush. I believe the electoral college is a bad idea because the President should win the election by how much people in the country like him rather then winning by getting 270 electoral votes.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Head of state

Some ways Head of State makes fun of what politicians do is when Chris Rock becomes the DJ at the party. Usually the parties that have to do with politics are formal and serious, but he wanted to have a real party with loud music and dancing. Normally politicians present themselves in a formal matter wearing suits, and acting a certain way. Gilliam however wears these hip hop sweatsuits with shades, and a hat and acts as if he was not running for president. Even the little old ladies in the movie who are suppose to be very formal and proper are using slang words like "foshizzle". In the final scene at the debate mays gets into a I know what you are but what am I fights with his opponent. Mays transforms throughout the movie he goes from a small town politician who doesn't really know how to do anything in his campaign he just listens to what his committee is telling him, but at the end he is  in charge of his own campaign and is fully focused on winning the election been though the odds were against him. In one scene mays election committee has a speech written for him, but instead of reading what they say and being their puppet mays turns off the speech prompter and gives his famous "that ain't right" speech.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


The governor I would vote for would be Charlie Baker because he represents the Republican Party. I would also vote for him because he is 100% against making new taxes. I would also vote for Baker because his priorities are eliminating waste and reforming state government are his highest priorities. Baker would receive a vote for me because he wants to increase the number of charter schools in Massachusetts to improve access to receive a quality education. I would vote for Charlie Baker opposes question 2, and 4, and supports question 1. His views on question two is it hidden tax, and I to think it is a way for the government to tax us. His views on question four is it would ruin small business, but he has a way of making it up to over 50 employees.  That's why I would vote for Republican Charlie Baker.

P.S look at the flow on this man I mean come on people it's practically perfect  

Sunday, October 26, 2014

 The difficulties President Lincoln ran into while trying to pass the thirteenth amendment were racism from people in the house, and resistance from his cabinet who thought it was not a good idea to try and get slavery abolished. People were scared to abolish slavery because they did not want to give African Americans the right to vote, own property, rank high in the military, hold office, and to take white jobs. Lincoln sent people to the lame duck politicians and promised them jobs if they voted to pass the thirteenth amendment. He also said that there was no peace commissioner left in the south that would cancel the amendment. Lincoln lied saying there was no peace commissioner even though there was one in Richmond. The tricks Lincoln used were bribery to politicians, and also he committed lies to congress about the peace commissioner which could have led to an impeachment of Lincoln. Lincoln believed the amendment was so important because it got rid of slavery which would also end the war. Lincoln also believed the amendment was important because if the constitution was not changed then the emancipation proclamation could have been cancelled.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Petoria is an Authoritarian government, Peter is the dictator of Petoria. Peter enjoys the fact he has diplomatic immunity, and can not be arrested for the crimes he commits. An example is when he does not pay his tab at the bar, and when he steps on the grass when there is a sign that says keep off the grass. The next benefit peter enjoys is he can invade any piece of property he wants and claim it as his own. An example is when he is swimming in Joe's pool, and claims it apart of Petoria.  Some detrimental consequences are Peter can not leave his country because the U.S army has a blockade around it with tanks surrounding the walls. Another consequence of Petoria is he does not get to use any of the U.S supplies such as electricity, and water. A third consequence the griffins suffer is there kids can not attend public schools in U.S. Petoria has no army, or any way of importing goods such as food and water are both examples of beneficial aspects of federalism Petoria is missing out on.
Im a man who enjoys his taffy

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ratification of the Constitution

It was very difficult to ratify the Constitution because it was hard for congress to get nine states to agree on a new form of government rather then revising the Articles of Confederation. The concerns of those that opposed the new government were that the people in Philadelphia who made up the Constitution represented the "well- born few" and people thought that the new form of government would only protect the high class. Another objection was that the Constitution gave the central government "to much power". People were worried with a republic as big as ours the central government would not be able to control it. The most serious criticism was that the Constitution had failed to adopted a Bill of Rights.

The concerns were dealt with by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay by banding together and writing essays in the New York newspapers responding to the anti-federalists, and analyzing the Constitution. Another concern that was dealt with was the biggest the adoption of a Bill of Rights in the ratification debate in Virginia Madison conceded that a bill of rights was needed. The federalist assured to the public that the first step of the new government would be to adopt a Bill of Rights. The Federalist prevailed when adopting the Bill of Rights two of the biggest states New York, and Virginia approved to the Constitution.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Why The Articles Failed

The Articles of Confederation failed because it gave too much power at the state level rather than spreading the power to the federal and state governments.

The Articles gave the states more power because people were scared that if the central government had too much power it would result in a monarchy. One of the weaknesses in the Articles was that it only gave "each state one vote in congress regardless of size in population" (Article V). The Articles also only discussed issues if it effected all 13 states, and if the issues were to be discussed it would need "9 of 13 votes to pass" (Article IX). With The Articles of Confederation it made it so there was no executive branch to enforce the acts passed by Congress. There was also no national court system under the Articles.

The Articles failed due to the lack of power that the Federal government held. To have a successful government the states and the federal level need to have equal power. Under the Articles the central government had no power to collect taxes,  and no power to regulate trade. The only powers the central government had was to declare war or peace, and enter into treaties with foreign nations.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Life Without Government

If life did not have a government there would be total chaos. People would do anything they wanted to because there is no rules or restrictions. Without a government the world would be like the movie The Purge except every single day. Without the government nothing would be done correctly because the government has a say in everything we do. They have a say in income, food, work, and how we live our everyday lives. Life would not exist as long as it has without government because it gave us a safe way to live. Without government there would be no punishment for those who commit serious crimes as well as minor crimes. Equality would not exist. This goes for woman, and other races. The government keeps people safe, therefore if the government did not exist, any group of people could control a community through fear. I would personally live my life in fear everyday. I would not feel safe even in my own home because of the lack of security. I think life would end quickly because there is no one to make sure that the food we eat is able to be consumed. 

I think humanity organizes governing bodies to establish a functional society. Humans organized a government to make people feel safe, and so there would be a sense of order in the world. A government makes the laws so a society can live without any fear. Government was created so if there was an attack on a country the government could retaliate. Humans created government to punish those who break the laws, and to help those who are innocent. Although the government may not help everyone or may act unfairly at times it is the reason the world functions. Government is the reason mankind has lasted for so long due to the laws it has created. In the world we live in, I hope this never happens.